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Desert-friendly landscape

Get an even bigger rebate

Whether you do it yourself or hire a contractor, the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA) will give you a rebate to replace grass with desert landscaping.

💵Now, LVVWD residential customers who participate in the Water Smart Landscapes Rebate program will receive an additional $2 per square foot! Combined with the SNWA's $3 incentive, that's $5 per square foot (up to 10,000 square feet) and $3.50 per square foot thereafter.

No extra form required! LVVWD customers will be identified by the SNWA.

Get Rebate Details

Gif shows that the homeowner is responsible for lines from the meter to their house

Protect your water service line

Water District account holders can opt for a protection program with American Water Resources for just $3.99/month, covering leak repairs from the meter to your house.

⭐BONUS: LVVWD will reimburse the first year of protection for the first 50,000 account holders who enroll with AWR! (Terms apply.)

Get Program Details

Drip head watering desert-friendly plants

Follow spring watering restrictions

From March to April, water plants and trees up to 2 days a week and grass up to 3 days. Plants and trees need much less water than grass! And remember, NEVER water on Sundays!

Running your landscape irrigation system outside your assigned days is water waste and may result in a water waste fine.

How can we help you today?

Dog with sunglasses(Opens another site in new window)

Save water, save money

Get paid to replace your grass with desert plants and trees, and upgrade your home with smart technologies that will help keep you water smart.

Get Cash for Grass(Opens another site in new window)

Other Rebates and Coupons(Opens another site in new window)

Woman Looking At Sink Pipe Leakage In Kitchen

Get help with leaks

Learn how to track down leaks in your home and find out if you qualify for financial assistance through our leak adjustment and reimbursement programs.

Find and Fix Leaks

Customer Assistance Programs

Woman holding glass of Rocky Mountain Mineral Rich water

Your water is safe

Las Vegas’s drinking water meets or surpasses all safety standards. In fact, our water is tested more thoroughly than most bottled water.

Water Quality Reports

Water Quality FAQs

Our water conservation is on a roll.

Las Vegas is a global leader in water conservation

The Las Vegas Valley gets about 90 percent of its water from the Colorado River, which is facing the worst drought in the river basin's recorded history.

Thanks to the adoption of innovative programs and water conservation measures, Las Vegas has reduced the community’s Colorado River consumption and significantly reduced the impact of new development on our water supply.

With no end to the drought in sight, however, achieving further reductions in water use has taken on a new sense of urgency.

Learn More About Drought and Conservation Measures
H2O 24/7. Operate, maintain, repair. Your investment. Your water. Use it responsibly.

One of the nation's most reliable water systems

For more than a half century, the Water District and its customers have been investing in one of the nation's most reliable water delivery systems. That investment has paid off. Instances of water main breaks in Southern Nevada are below the national average and our water system has an efficiency rating that is considered world-class.

Explore How Water Gets To Your Tap

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